So I've had this random spark of interest over the passed few days that started with a band. I recently picked up an album by Pheonix that featured the song "Lizstomania". Well a friend and I seriously dug the song but after a while we wondered "What IS Lizstomania?" Well if we take out the 'omania' part we are left with Liszt. After a little research I found that Liszt refered to a french gentlemen named Franz Liszt (makes sense, because Pheonix is a french band). Franz Liszt was known for two things. He was one of the most renound piano players of all time, and he was a very extensive fonicator.
Fast foward a few years and we have a play written about him, called "Lisztomania". The plot summary is as follows:
hedonistic life of groupies, sex and music, as well as his rivalry between his true love and one of his mistresses
unleashing the Viking God, Thor, and his troupe of robot Nazis. The only way to save the world is through Liszt and all of his mistresses in a rocket ship to destroy the resurrected Wagner who has now become the Nazi Antichrist.
Pretty cool, right? So, after hours of giggling about this outragous plot I actually started to compare my life to this play. Seriously, if a story is ever told about me it had better be akin to the story of Lizstomania. I mean, I'm not really that into fornicating with a ton of women but throwing in a viking god and robot Nazis would be cool (Why the hell were the viking gods employing Nazis of all things? I mean seriously they can throw thunder at peoples faces what in the world do they need blitzkrieg combat for?)
So all I'm trying to say is, I hope I can be interesting and exciting enough to be worthy of an epic tale. Even if not everyone in life likes me right now, I hope I can always leave a positive impact on their lives before I fade out of it.
(DISCLAIMER: I do not condone Nazis or Nazi behavior in any way, they were ass holes in every sense of the phrase. I would totally just go with Samuri robots.)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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