Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Compare and contrast essay

Passion versus duty: The showdown

Behind all actions there is a motive. Motive is arguably just as important as the action itself. In an action as simple as eating food the motive is very decisive. Is a person eating for pleasure, or because they will go hungry if they do not? These two motives plainly show the two distinctive categories of motives: passion and duty. If you are eating a food simply because you love it, you're motive is passionate. On the other hand, if you're only eating strictly because you're hungry you have a duty driven motive. However, food is not a choice. Each of us have to eat if we are to survive. There are many choices we could approach with either passion or duty that could very well change who we are as people. To understand the differences between your decisions, it's important to understand the differences between passion and duty.

One of the most obvious differences is objective. Passion could be described as following ones heart, whereas duty has a specific goal orientation. You may chose to go to class one day simply because you like it, but you may also go just for the grade. Both scenarios have the same decision and roughly the same outcome: you go to class. It may seem like this means the decision was made and the impact is done, but how it was made has just as much impact on the situation. If someone chose to go to class because he loved it, he'd pay attention and therefor absorb more of the material. The same could be said for making the grade, but once it's no longer useful for that goal one would probably forget the material. Even though the objective is met, the outcome is different in the end. Passion and duty are usually represented by two very different attitude. If a person is doing something solely because he or she wants to, the attitude used to approach the activity is usually more upbeat or bubbly. Duty can bring forth a wide range of attitudes. Attitudes can range from bland boredom to oppressive zeal. Attitudes that come with duty aren't all bad, however. Dutiful motives can be extremely productive in a business or service environment. On the same token, passionate motives are not always good. These motives can be unproductive and often chaotic and unguided. Passionate motives can often be placed in a religious or volunteer sort of setting. These facts bring us to another important contrast between passion and duty: their settings. Each motive has an extremely distinctive place of use. In fact, it can often be dangerous if their places are mixed. Dutiful religious leaders taking it upon themselves to commit genocide, for example.

Although the two motives have extremely clear differences, their singularities aren't always as clearly defined. As I've mentioned previously, both duty and passion are motives. This means that a sense of passion or duty can start an event. The event can differ according to the motive, and it can either be for evil or good. Behind any major world event, you will probably find passion or duty to be the catalyst. Aside from the start, both have a similar ending. Passion and duty can both end in personal or strategic gain. In fact, both tend to lead to very effective methods of generating gain. They each have very strong emotions derived from them. It is rare that someone with a sense of passion or duty is emotionally dull. Passion and duty can be expressed as a driving force behind a persons dreams. Something that holds such an epic place in a person's life rarely goes without emotion.

No matter what you're going through in life, the world continues to turn. Ever changing events make it important to have a motive in your life. When making a decision or starting something big, it may be important to ask what the driving force is. Is it duty with it's objective orientation and zeal, yet bland appearance? Could it be passion with it's personal and heartfelt attitude but sometimes unproductive in nature? Such a question could tell a lot about the outcome of the decision before it's even made.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thrill seeking, I guess

So I went to six flags over the weekend. I'd never been to an amusement park before and it was quite an experience. I embraced the thought of 200 foot drops very quickly and wasted no time to get on the tallest ride I could find. It was very exciting and I had a lot of fun, moving from one ride to the next to see how long I could keep my lunch (I never lost it, I win!) At the end of the day I let them attach a bungee chord to my person, hoist me up into the air and then let me fall ten stories just to swing back up and fall again a few time. That was an experience I won't be forgetting any time soon.

I wish I could take the same approach to all aspects of my life. I'm always really afraid of what tomorrow will bring, mostly because I know full well what yesterday dragged in. I think the fear and apprehension affects my decisions in somewhat negative ways. If only life really was a roller coaster.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Reflection of my examples

Was the essay hard? I think so, because it was a slightly new perspective. I've always built essays and then packed as much example in them as I could. I love example. It's a wonderful filler that always drives the point home, and they're 'free'. What I mean by this, is that real world examples already happened. They're completely factual and are in no need of editing, you can just write it how it happened. I suppose that would be my advice to the next writers of these essays. Don't stress about the example, the example writes itself! Stress more about how the example relates to your essay and your point. The hardest part was manipulating the example to fit that in the best way possible. To be honest, I'm still not sure I tweaked it enough in the end. I think after reading my example people would get the idea that I feel mental hospitals are "bad" (I wrote on mental hospitals, my main example was an anecdote in the intro) but they wouldn't really get a sense of how. I really hope that I built that up with the remainder of my essay, but I suppose only grades shall tell.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My life and Lizstomania

So I've had this random spark of interest over the passed few days that started with a band. I recently picked up an album by Pheonix that featured the song "Lizstomania". Well a friend and I seriously dug the song but after a while we wondered "What IS Lizstomania?" Well if we take out the 'omania' part we are left with Liszt. After a little research I found that Liszt refered to a french gentlemen named Franz Liszt (makes sense, because Pheonix is a french band). Franz Liszt was known for two things. He was one of the most renound piano players of all time, and he was a very extensive fonicator.

Fast foward a few years and we have a play written about him, called "Lisztomania". The plot summary is as follows:

hedonistic life of groupies, sex and music, as well as his rivalry between his true love and one of his mistresses
unleashing the Viking God, Thor, and his troupe of robot Nazis. The only way to save the world is through Liszt and all of his mistresses in a rocket ship to destroy the resurrected Wagner who has now become the Nazi Antichrist.

Pretty cool, right? So, after hours of giggling about this outragous plot I actually started to compare my life to this play. Seriously, if a story is ever told about me it had better be akin to the story of Lizstomania. I mean, I'm not really that into fornicating with a ton of women but throwing in a viking god and robot Nazis would be cool (Why the hell were the viking gods employing Nazis of all things? I mean seriously they can throw thunder at peoples faces what in the world do they need blitzkrieg combat for?)

So all I'm trying to say is, I hope I can be interesting and exciting enough to be worthy of an epic tale. Even if not everyone in life likes me right now, I hope I can always leave a positive impact on their lives before I fade out of it.

(DISCLAIMER: I do not condone Nazis or Nazi behavior in any way, they were ass holes in every sense of the phrase. I would totally just go with Samuri robots.)