Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thoughts on my thoughts(that are in my essay)

What was my greatest challenge writing this essay?

This paper was to be a descriptive piece on one of a few select topics. They had all the basics in there, a person, a place, or some memory. I had a lot of issues with most of those topics. I really think they pick these same cookie cutter topics so that they get very cookie cutter essays. This is fine as far as ease of grading goes I'm sure, but it isn't fine for my creative thought process. After I finally settled on fog, I had to think of a way to make fog seem interesting. I could have taken the obvious approach and simply describe what fog looks like, but that's boring. Another draw back of fog was that it really doesn't appeal to any of the other four senses. So to slay this 'boredom' monstrosity I described feelings associated with fog. There is always the imagination angle, and that angle doesn't have limits. I don't work well with limits.

How did your comments make you feel?

Indifferent. I don't mean to dis on anyone that commented me, but I really wasn't going to let me take my essay in a direction other than what I'd already decided on. The comments were a great way to remind me to never treat this as a finished product, however. And finally, I really don't think anyone can be more critical of my work as I am.

My reaction?

None. But I tried very hard not to have one at all. Of the posts I read and my own essay, I tried to remain critical and unassuming. That's a very hard balance to maintain. I don't want to read an essay/comment and just immediately think "that sucks" I want to assume they aren't done and move on to giving them something they can use.

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